Analysis Of Jack Abramoff's 'Capitol Punishment'

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In the novel Capitol Punishment, an autobiography written by Jack Abramoff, the readers learn about Abramoff’s life as an infamous lobbyist and come to see how he built his political career overtime with many triumphs and tribulations. Readers will first learn that Abramoff’s political career started when he was in elementary school and it continued through high school and college and how his passion for politics landed him in the White House for many events and dinners with the President and fellow politicians. During his early years, Abramoff veered away from politics and began a career producing films, often leaving him to travel and be away from his family for periods of time. He soon left his career in film making and made his way back …show more content…

Circumstances are different for each individual and they are what influence the interests that a person has. Circumstances are your roots and they describe the who, what, where, and how one lives. Circumstances can be religion based, family based, school based, and much more. An example of circumstances in the novel is when the readers find out that Jack Abramoff is from a conservative Jewish family. Abramoff tells his readers that growing up his Jewish faith played only a minor role in his life and to him it was very tragic to not practice it on the daily. Abramoff decided at the age of twelve that he was going to become an Orthodox Jew. Along with becoming more conservative, when Abramoff went off to college at Brandies University he got himself involved in the College Republicans and other conservative groups and those interests had a direct reflection of his circumstances while growing up. Those circumstances and interests led him to make reports. Reports are statements about what is, what was, could be, will be, and are both empirical and philosophical. An example of a report Abramoff made was when he talked about the Sabbath and what he could do and could not do during that time. He learned of all of this from books he read on Orthodox Judaism and these books assisted him as support to justify his commands and …show more content…

Interests are rooted from one’s particular circumstances and they are what help to create reports. From the age of twelve, Abramoff’s religious views played a huge role in his life and in the decisions he made for himself. For example, Brandies University is a predominantly Jewish college in which Abramoff decided to attend when he got the help with his acceptance from Sugar Ray Robinson, who made a phone call to the school expressing how great of a student Abramoff was and how he would be a perfect fit. He felt Brandies was the perfect fit for him because he was able to surround himself with people of Jewish decent, specifically Orthodox Jews, which was a small percentage of students on campus. His choice to attend Brandies University is a result of his circumstances and interests and those interests were created from him circumstances. Another interest Abramoff had was in joining College Republicans which was a conservative school organization. He chose this particular organization because of his passion for politics and wanting to be involved and also because he grew up in a household with conservative views. His choice to join the organization reflected his want to be around people who shared the same interests as he did. When Abramoff got into lobbying, he made a conscious choice to only lobby for something he agreed with. His choice to lobby for what he believed in reflected his true

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