Analysis Of Incidents In The Life Of A Slave Girl

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Throughout ‘Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl’ Jacobs uses three main strategies to appeal to the middle-class women of the North. Firstly, she emphasizes topics such as sexual relations, violence and loss to shock the readers as most members of the ‘Cult of True Womanhood’ have never been exposed to these realities. Secondly, Jacobs introduces many aspects of slave culture that humanize slaves and allow the reader to see the similarities between white and colored people, inciting empathy. Finally, Jacobs contrasts the treatment and lifestyles of whites and slaves, highlighting the senselessness of the cruelty and inhumanity that the slaves faced. Jacobs also uses a pseudonym throughout the book. This may have served the purpose of protecting Flint. Jacobs states that the fifteenth year is "a sad epoch in the life of a slave girl” as it is when a slave girl begins to reach sexual maturity and she experiences the unwanted and often forceful advances of her master or his sons (Jacobs, pg.26). This also indicates that these advances were a common risk in the life of many female slaves, not just Brent’s. This is not only a cause of physical trauma, but it is psychologically arduous as the female slave has no power to reject her master’s advances for fear of her life. In addition, many slaves were raised Christians and viewed extra-marital sex to be a sin. Jacobs referred to Dr. Flint’s advances as ‘violating the most sacred commandments of nature’ (Jacobs, pg.26). The idea of having to commit a sin and to give up your purity, to save your life was incredibly humiliating for many female slaves. On the other hand, a fifteen-year-old white girl from the middle class would not even consider the ideas of sexual relations until she was older and ready to marry and she could marry for love and have children with whomever she wanted. Her life would not depend on accepting sexual advances that she did not want. This stark contrast would have provoked pity among northern women for slave girls as they never had to make such a difficult decision and had much more control over their own

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