Analysis Of Imagery In Truman Capote

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Although Perry lives a complicated life and it’s hard to explain the way he thinks, Truman Capote utilizes rhetorical devices such as imagery and metaphors to make clear his past life, thus relaying what drives him to make the choices he makes. One of the most notable rhetorical devices used within the book is a metaphor. Capote uses this rhetoric several times throughout the book, each time revealing something significant about the characters, specifically Perry. Perry has a dream where he’s in the jungles of Africa gazing upon a tree: “Jesus, it smells bad, that tree; it kind of makes me sick, the way it stinks. Only, it’s beautiful to look at---it has blue leaves and diamonds hanging everywhere. Diamonds like oranges. That’s why I’m there---to …show more content…

A snake that guards the tree.” Many things can be symbolized by this dream, but most importantly it is a metaphor for the murders he has just committed and his poor actions in the past. The tree of diamonds stands for the money he aims to steal from the Clutter family, while the snake is Dick and the police, who hold him back. The smell of the tree is a warning that there is consequences in life and is very deterring, although not enough to stop him. Perry doesn’t seem to care about the repercussions of his actions as he is more focused on what he has set his mind to: “What it comes down to is I want the diamonds more than I’m afraid of the snake.” Perry isn’t fazed by the threats he sees or the ramifications that come with decisions. Yet again, another metaphor is presented by the mentioning of a bird that continuously rescues Perry from his misfortunes. Capote states, “the parrot appeared, arrived while he slept, a bird ‘taller than Jesus, yellow like a sunflower,’ a warrior-angel who blinded the nuns with its beak, fed upon their eyes, slaughtered them as …show more content…

Through the course of the book, Capote uses vivid descriptions to his advantage in order to place emphasis on more noteworthy parts of the story. Capote’s choice of imagery characterizes Perry as a person and gives an idea to who he is. Perry’s life prior to crime was normal for awhile, until his family situation crumbled: “in the ring, a lean Cherokee girl rode a wild horse, a ‘bucking bronc,’ and her loosened hair whipped back and forth, flew about like a flamenco dancer’s. Her name was Flo Buckskin, and she was a professional rodeo performer, a ‘champion bronc-rider.’ So was her husband, Tex John Smith; it was while touring the Western rodeo circuit that the handsome Indian girl and the homely-handsome Irish cowboy had met, married, and had the four children sitting in the grandstand. (And Perry could remember many another rodeo spectacle--see again his father skipping inside a circle of spinning lassos, or his mother, with silver and turquoise bangles jangling on her wrists, trick-riding at a desperado speed that thrilled her youngest child and caused crowds in towns from Texas to Oregon to ‘stand up and clap.’)” Perry’s troubles after his parents separation may very well have contributed to his becoming a murderer later on down the road. The abrupt change in his life at such a young age, clearly had a lasting impact on him and his lifestyle. His past altered the way he thought and the type of person he was. Capote quotes,

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