Analysis Of Hills Like White Elephant By Ernest Hemingway

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The story, “Hills like White Elephants” by Ernest Hemingway written in 1927 that portrayed a couple consuming alcohol and discussing a concern, while they waited at a train station in Spain for a train coming from Barcelona and heading to Madrid. The story was set up as a controlled conversation with the two characters American man and Jig, in which the American was demanding to encourage Jig to do something that she was doubtful for doing. In the whole story, Hemingway used symbols and metaphors to convey the attitudes and emotions of both characters. I accept as true that the couple is arguing to abort the baby. In the story, they both argue for getting an abortion, the woman is unsure about her decision, eventually she decides to go ahead and keep the baby, even though American man is opposing her. In the starting of the story, while they drink, they start a discussion about an abortion. The American man tells the woman that it is very simple operation and on the other hand the woman tries to oppose him. In the story, the American say, “It’s really awfully simple operation, Jig” (183) which indicates The woman is looking at the hills that are white in the sun and she says, “They look like white elephants.”(182). Here, the simile has been used which indicates that the woman is comparing her unborn babies with white elephants, who are beautiful and precious but difficult to maintain. The American replies, “I’ve never seen one,” (182) which indicate that he has never dealt with this type of circumstance earlier. Then Jig comments “No, you wouldn’t have” (182). This reveals that she believes that he is not brave enough to deal with a problem like this. Jig relies on American for translating the conversation few times due to her lack of knowledge of Spanish language. She asks him if they could try different drink which is named as Anis del Toro in Spanish

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