Analysis Of Green Eggs And Ham By Dr. Seuss

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Everyone knows the tell all story, ‘Green Eggs & Ham By Dr. Seuss’. A story that claims to be about the trail of an unknown character who refuses to try the plate of, an aptly named, green eggs & ham, given to him by a character named ‘Sam-I-Am’. This ‘Sam-I-Am’ constantly pesters the poor man into submission till he finally tries the dish. To which we see in the end he completely enjoys. To the public eye, it is thought to be a book about trying new things, but “Green Eggs & Ham By Dr. Seuss” is much dark than that. To those who read in between the lines, unlike the sheeple we surround ourselves with, we can see more in this dark story. From the main characters, to the images represented. Even minor characters change the whole tone of the …show more content…

Horror might be overselling it, or underselling it, depending on what you see. While others, like the great Mr. J. P. Rader, saw the line between heaven & hell, I saw a failing marriage flash before our eyes.
To explain what I mean, we must start from the beginning, from pages 3-11, where, let us just call this character ‘Sam’, practically breaks into the unknown character’s house, much to his own disdain. The character is reading an ‘ABC’ book, in the familiar vain of a father figure reading a newspaper, as stereotypes go. ‘Sam’ passes by with the dish & asks if he’d like a taste, to which he replies accordingly, refusing it outright. Why is that? We don’t know, but what we do know is that following these events seem to crazy images of a things you’d see would fit with a family. A dinner table in a house, with said Green Eggs & Ham placed well between both Sam & a mouse, A car big enough to fit a family of 3, following that, a train. Not just any train mind you, a train with what? A family of three. This family plays a key role with what I’m getting at. Each time the family is seen after the 1st & 4th shot, the father is obscured, with what seems to be purposely by the artist’s hand. He even is

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