Analysis Of Feet In Smoke

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Feet in smoke: A story about Electrified Near-Death by John Jeremiah Sullivan writes about a short journey which takes place in a hospital located in Kentucky a family goes through after the oldest brother Ellsworth a lead singer in a band called Moviegoers is in the garage rehearsing for a concert when a surge of electricity shoots through his body, stopping his heart due to his mouth coming in contact with the microphone. After reading this story several times I was moved by the connection the two brothers have during the tragedy. I have come to the conclusion that the author was successful in making me, the reader apart of this horrific event. I experienced the same with my older sister Beth. John Jeremiah Sullivan in Feet in smoke experiences growing a connection through music, using guitars with his brother who is seven years older than him. John believes an age difference like that can make siblings strangers. This statement he provides in this story is something I completely agree with. I have an older sibling we are fifthteen years apart and it was hard connecting with her on several levels. We were never close with one another growing up because of course …show more content…

For example, “Evening of the 27th. Unexpectedly jumped up from his chair, a perplexed expression on his face, and ran to the wall. Rubbed palms along a small area of the wall, like a blind man. Turned. Asked, "Where 's the piñata?" Shuffled into hallway. Noticed a large nurse walking away from us down the hall. Muttered, "If she 's got our piñata, I 'm gonna be pissed." (Feet In Smoke Sullivan) I found this part of the story very unbelievable but believable when thinking back to being electrocuted what it can do to your brain. I wished that John provided more dates of Ellsworth 's disclosures because I found them pretty humorous and sad at the same

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