Analysis Of Erich Maria Remarque's All Quiet On The Western Front

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By demonstrating motif to observe how soldiers lose all control of their humanity as war goes on, Erich Maria Remarque uses All Quiet on the Western Front to explain how war deteriorates mental health and negatively impacts the soldiers’ self-respect until they solely view themselves as animals made for war. Remarque implements motif through Paul’s repeated comparison of war soldiers to mindless animals to show how war rids soldiers of their humane qualities until all that remains are the skeletons of their past individual selves. Paul joins the war right after he leaves school at the age of eighteen. He has seen what the war can do from up close in the trenches but also from the hundreds wounded in the infirmary. As Paul narrates the march …show more content…

This quote describes the inner thought processes of all types of varying soldiers. When Paul compares all of the “moody or good-tempered soldiers” to “instant human animals”, there is only one difference he states. The second that the soldiers reach the front, they become war animals, fit only for killing and destruction. Remarque writes about how war manipulates all feelings and dreams until it is the only remaining idea left in a soldier’s brain. Paul demonstrates this by seeing the things he has until he becomes familiarized to the horrible details that war entails. After living through the things the soldiers have to, it mellows down the soldier’s empathy. These soldiers endured horrific ordeals most, if not all, of the days. Eventually, the events that most civilians would be terrified by, become second nature to these soldiers. Things like bombardment and gas bombs are normal occurrences for the men. Killing changes from a terrible experience into something that can easily be done. Remarque repeatedly symbolizes the soldiers to portray to the reader the barbaric shadows that remain of soldiers that once had aspirations and hobbies of their own. He utilizes the motif of

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