Analysis Of Bok Love

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THERESE MARIE VILLARANTE: THE GIRL WITH A HEART OF ART BY SAMANTHA JANE V. GOMEZ 11- BOCOBO Ever since she was a little, her parents would already buy her books to read. She would sometimes pretend that she had written a story even before she could ever learn how to write. When she went to college, she once lost her own path. She took up a course which she never really wanted. It was like being in a crowd trying to fit in. Or like forcing a wrong key to open a door. She was at lost. But when Therese has come to an age wherein the mind and the heart could finally speak as one, wherein life pressures you to choose already which path you'd take that would lead you to a joyous life, she had finally decided what she wanted to achieve in life. She …show more content…

The song Bok Love is a song written by Therese together with Filipe Anjelo Calinawan and was performed by Therese herself and Kurt Frick. When the song came out, many of the listeners had been captured by its cute and catchy music and lyrics. Bok Love won Netizen's Choice Award, MOR Listener's Choice Award and bagged the 3rd prize as well. The song was about a couple who love to eat a lot together until both of them become fat. They had gained an incredible amount of weight but despite these, they still accept and love each other. Love is not all about body and appearance. Love is not picture perfect. When you're in love, you do what both of you love. You do the things that would make both of you happy. No matter how your partner will look and change, you wouldn't see it as a flaw, but instead, a perfect imperfection. Flaws and imperfections should not ruin the magnificent art of love. It must be accepted and loved. As you grow bigger, your love for each other grows bigger and bigger too. There is nothing luscious other than the love that is true and sincere shared by two hearts. "The song is about being found, being loved for who you are and suddenly seeing yourself perfect in the eyes of another," shared

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