Analysis Of Beyond 1920s: The Legacies Of Women's Suffrage

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The struggle for women's rights, particularly the right to vote, was a long and arduous journey marked by numerous challenges. From the mid-19th century through the early 20th century, women activists confronted societal norms, legal barriers, and deep-rooted prejudices. By delving into the main challenges faced by women as they fought for their rights, examining the arguments put forth by prominent figures such as Frances Harper, Margaret Sanger, Carrie Chapman Catt, Elsie Hill, and Florence Kelley, as well as the insights provided by Liette Gidlow in "Beyond 1920: The Legacies of Woman Suffrage” the struggle of the suffrage movement is better understood. One of the primary challenges women faced was the entrenched patriarchal attitudes prevalent in society. Frances Harper, an African American suffragist and …show more content…

Legal barriers also posted significant obstacles to women's rights. Carrie Chapman Catt, a prominent suffragist, addressed the Congress of the United States in 1917, advocating for the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment. Catt emphasized the injustice of denying women the right to vote, stating, "The United States is the only Republic in the world that has never recognized the right of women to vote." This underscored the urgent need for legislative action to rectify systemic inequalities. Margaret Sanger, a pioneering advocate for birth control and reproductive rights, articulated the concept of "Free Motherhood" in her seminal work, "Woman and the New Race." Sanger argued that women could only achieve true freedom and autonomy when they had control over their reproductive destinies. She asserted, "No woman can call herself free until she can choose consciously whether she will or will not be a mother." Sanger's advocacy laid the foundation for the modern reproductive rights movement, challenging societal norms and advocating for women's bodily

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