Analysis Of A Good Man Is Hard To Find By Flannery O Connor

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1434160 Professor name: Ndeh Course Name: ENG 1102 Date: September 16, 2015 A good Man is hard to Find; analyze Point Of View by Flannery O Connor “A Good Man is Hard to Find” is a tragic short story, which was written by Flannery O’ Connor. In this story, the lives of two families are involved. This story revolves around three children of these families, two parents of these children and a grandmother. Flannery O’ Connor has used the grandmother’s thinking and mind set as the main theme of this story. Flannery O’ Connor has built the character of grandmother in this story. Although, grandmother is not telling this story, but story is narrated in such a way that it revolves around the life of grandmother and events happened to her. …show more content…

The writer had options in the form of the other characters, like the children and parents of this story, to create suspense about the killer but the reason due to which the writer uses the character of grandmother was that it injected the sentiments of pity to the whole story and scene of victimization of the family, which was going to be killed by a unseen killer. Initially, it seems that the grand daughter is not respecting the emotions of grandmother, when she says, “She wouldn’t stay at home to be queen for the day...Afraid she’d miss something” …show more content…

After reading this story, the reader comes to know that the character “grandmother” about one was feeling very sorry and was considering it as the factor was pity was just a suspense. The actual situation was the different as it was perceived by the writer at the start of the story, and the reason of problems for that family was their grandmother, not Misfit. As the writer of this story, Flannery O’Connor has used the omniscient narration as a tool in this story in very effective and efficient manners so it is difficult for the reader to judge that what will happen next. Many events remain secret for the reader, and these secrets start revealing, as the story progresses. When the story ends, the reader comes to know that he/she was wrong at the start of the story. Many other characters have also entered in this story, the introduction of these characters by the writer was to make this story as more interesting and more thoughtful like, When in one scene, a character named as the Red Sammy from the barbecue place says, “Two fellers come in here last week driving a Chrysler. It was an old and beat-up car but it was a good one and these boys looked all right to me”.

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