An Analysis of No Mans Land and Gallipoli

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In the world during the 19th century many wars marked history, people chose to die for their country and their religion. The two movies chosen were "No Man's Land" and "Gallipoli." The first movie was "No Man's Land" which took place in Bosnia, which was about the Serb-Bosnia conflict. The second movie was "Gallipoli" which took place in Austria, which was about the trench warfare in Gallipoli

The movie "No Man's Land", the main characters are Ciki and Nino, a Bosnian and a Serb, are soldiers stranded in no man's land-a trench between enemy lines during the Bosnian war. They have no one to trust, no way to escape without getting shot. Also a fellow soldier is lying on the trench floor with a bouncing mine set to explode beneath him if he moves. When a Serbian soldier puts a mine under a dead body, this portrays how much hatred Serbs had for Bosnian's. Even though one is dead it is not enough but for the enjoyment the Serbian set the mine regardless. In the movie the two main characters strip to their underwear to show their helplessness while standing at the top of the trench wa...

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