An Analysis Of Equality 7-2521 In The Bluest Eye, By Ayn Rand

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In the novel The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison, it is about a 11-year-old black girl named Pecola Breedlove, who has no self-confidence, telling her bewildering childhood story living in the south of Lorain, Ohio in 1941. Also, a book by Ayn Rand, Anthem is about a dystopian society where a boy named Equality 7-2521, a very strong and intelligent person, believes that the society that he lives in gives him no freedom to be independent. This quote by an unknown author, “Nobody trips over mountains. It is the small pebble that causes you to stumble. Pass all the pebbles in your path and you will find you have crossed the mountains" applies to both main characters Pecola Breedlove and Equality 7-2521. The true meaning of this quote is that there …show more content…

Everything in their society is equal. No one has their own individual name, everyone sleeps together, no one is ever by themselves, and many more aspects. They are a communist society, they have leaders, no one has a say in their government, technology is all from the past, social relationships are not important and do not have any special connections with anyone but everyone, no one has a choice in their work, and education is all based on what the society wants one to think. Equality has a hard time with accepting the fact that everyone and everything must be equal. One challenge that Equality faces is that he wants to be with the Gold One. The Golden One is a girl who is seen as beautiful by Equality. She is very strong minded, stubborn and arrogant. Equality really wants to be with the Golden One but it is against the society’s laws. No person is allowed to choose their own mate. Instead, when a person in the society reaches a certain age, it is mandatory for he or she to go to the Palace of Mating. In the Palace of Mating, a male and a female are selected randomly to spend one night at the Palace of Mating and have sex so they would produce a baby and never see them again. Since the society will not allow Equality and the Golden One to be together, he tries to think about her as often as he can and try to have conversations with her. He had said, “For men are forbidden to take notice of women, and women are forbidden to take notice of men. But we think of one among women, they whose name is Liberty 5-3000, and we think of no others” (Rand 38). Another challenge that Equality has to deal with is being more intelligent than his brothers and looking taller than his other brothers. In school, he discovered that he was smarter and taller than everyone else and the teachers were very unhappy. If he were to show off his intelligence, he would get in

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