An Analysis Of A Rainy Morning By Ted Kooser

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“A Rainy Morning” In “A Rainy Morning” by Ted Kooser, we get a lot of imagery, as well as figures of speech, specifically metaphors. This poem through the use of an extended metaphor helps us to see life and our everyday actions into a new perspective. Here we will examine the poem’s language and imagery to help understand what the theme of “A Rainy Morning” is. To start, we can look at the title of the poem, “A Rainy Morning”, it is never mentioned in the poem that it is a rainy morning. The poem only mentions that it is morning and that the woman in the wheelchair’s face is wet. I feel that the title is there for imagery purposes. It sets the image and the tone for the poem. The word “Rainy” makes me think gloomy, slippery, wet, and cold. While the word “Morning” makes me think of hope, early, and optimism. Now this is just my opinion, I feel that the title is saying that even though there is rain, something that can come on unexpectedly, the day is still early and anything can happen. Along with the imagery we get from the title, there is a lot of imagery within this poem. Let us start with the first three lines: A woman in a wheelchair, …show more content…

In “A Rainy Morning”, the imagery appeals to the senses of sight, touch, and sound. Some of the imagery in this poem that appeals to the sense of sight would be: “a women in a wheel chair”, “black nylon poncho”, and “long white fingers”. Also, some imagery that appeals to touch and sound would be: “strike just as the chord fades”, “her wet face beautiful in its concentration”, and “the wind turns the pages of rain”. Without the use of imagery in “A Rainy Morning” we would not be able to compare the woman and the pianist. Imagery helps us to see how these two are able to be compared to each other even though they are two different type of people, they are still

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