Ambush By Tim O Brien

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The setting in american literature has a great meaning and reason. It affects how the characters feel, affects how the character acts, affects what is about to happen in the story, and affects the mood for the readers. The setting affects all of these things greatly and deeply. First example of how setting is powerful comes from the story “Ambush” by ™ o’Brien. “Shortly after midnight we moved into the ambush site outside my Khe” (Tim O’Brien 812). This first clue to the setting lets us the reader know everyone is tired, exhausted or both. Since it's midnight it's also pitch black dark witch is scary because it hides the unknown. The fact that they are outside when it's pitch black adds suspense. “The night was foggy and hot” (Tim O’Brien 812). …show more content…

“I had already pulled the pin on a grenade. I had come up to a crouch. It was entirely automatic. I did not hate the young man; I did not see him as the enemy; I did not ponder issues of morality or politics or military duty. I crouched and kept my head low. I had already thrown the grenade before telling myself to throw it” (O’Brien 813). This the the intense event the readers were waiting on based on the setting. After this event the setting goes to the safety of his home. Letting the readers know its all over and safe and left in the past.In this next story “In Another Country” by Ernest Hemingway the setting changes multiple times. Sending the character thru all sorts of feelings and emotions. Letting the reader know what they are going thru. The first setting element is cold. “It was cold in the fall in milan and the dark came very early” (Ernest Hemingway 801). The cold has caused the blood to slow and the characters reflexes might not be as fast they normally think they are. The dark causes the characters to think what is in there. Most of the time the dark (black) and the cold ( like a dead body) is the setting before someone

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