Alone By Edgar Allan Poe Essay

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Edgar Allan Poe was a different writer from all of the rest. His writings were much darker and mysterious than most poets of his time. A prime example of this is his poem “Alone.” This poem leaves the reader quite sympathetic and sorrowful for Poe as he begins to describe the emotions and battles he was faced with throughout his life. Poe faced many struggles throughout his life, and used his writings as a means of expressing himself. All of these difficult times in life he went through shaped the type of writer he would become, as well as the legacy he would leave behind. This poem is Poe’s reflection of how he felt about his life, and the trials and loneliness he faced. The first thing that is seen in the poem is the loneliness Poe dealt with throughout the earliest stages of his life. The poem begins by saying “From childhood’s hour I have not been / …show more content…

From these two lines, one can tell Poe is communicating that even as a child, he did not relate to the other children well. Morris Allen Grubbs goes into more depth into Poe’s childhood. He grew up in a poor family. Both of his parents were traveling actors that did not get paid well. To add on to the harsh conditions Poe was already faced with, his father abandoned the family when Poe was the age of two (Grubbs #1). Soon after, Poe’s mother died of tuberculosis. Ironically within the next few days, Poe’s father also died of the same disease. After all of this, Poe and his two siblings were put into a foster care system (Grubbs #1). Any child that loses both parents, is separated from their siblings, and moves around throughout their childhood is bound to have some trauma. This series of difficult losses would begin Poe’s descent into loneliness. Without a constant family in his life, Poe did not have the capability of growing a bond with people who were close to him. This early stage of his life would inspire the first part of

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