All The President's Men Essay

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All the President’s Men All the President’s Men tells the story of two reporters, Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, who broke the Watergate scandal. The Watergate scandal was an event that proved that top White House personnel funneled money to petty crooks in exchange for breaking into and bugging the Democratic National Committee headquarters. Other high-ranking officials were caught in the scandal as well. Woodward and Bernstein’s reporting reporting directly led to President Nixon’s resignation. This event in turn changed Americans’ view on President Nixon. For example today, the first word people associate with President Nixon is Watergate. It might also be the only word they associate with President Nixon. To many lifelong Republicans, …show more content…

Woodward and Bernstein’s investigation isn’t taken very seriously because they weren’t established reporters. The two seem to be working against all of Washington. No one wants to be quoted by, or even talk to the low-level reporters. They get the sense throughout the movie that someone was working against their best efforts to get to the truth. The reporters saw a huge disconnect between what the Committee to Re-elect the President was doing and what the public knew about. Woodward and Bernstein actually end up being correct about that. The Committee to Re-elect the President (CREEP for short) worked very hard to cover up any wrong-doings, and kept a close watch on all of their finance workers. This was important, because the finance workers knew about CREEP’s wrongdoings and would therefore help corroborate the reporter’s stories. Whenever Woodward and Bernstein went to interview CREEP’s finance workers, the workers would tell them that they weren’t comfortable talking because someone was listening in on their conversation. Fortunately, the pair worked around this obstacle. In one instance, Bernstein told someone to confirm something by hanging up or staying on the phone. If the person stayed on the phone, it meant that the information was correct, if they hung up it meant that the information was flawed. In another situation, the two talked about information as if they already had it, and if the CREEP worker didn’t correct them, it meant they had the right

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