All Quiet On The Western Front Title Analysis Essay

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All Quiet on the Western Front

Title Analysis

While most war books are intended to emphasize the glory of war and romanticize what war was like, it seems that All Quiet will do the exact opposite. Remarque completely disregards the outlook of an ideal war and writes about the brutality and hardships the characters and real-life soldiers faced. He takes the ideas of glory, honor, patriotic duty, and adventure in war and replaces them with an unromantic vision of fear, meaninglessness, and butchery.

All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque.

The book’s title suggests that the book may be about how quiet the western front has become due to all the deaths and may include the loss of some characters.

The reason the title seems to imply the loss of the characters is because death in war is inevitable. Chaos has the connotation of being loud and violent. [Cannons and artillery were often extremely loud. In 1917, the explosives used to destroy a bridge in France could be being heard over 130 miles away in London.(James)]. Once the chaos of the war is over, the only thing left is silence. A moment of silence to grieve and honor those who died. The title of this book could symbolize a moment of silence for the death of a character within the book. Within World War One, there were over eighteen million deaths in the span of four years. Those deaths equate to years of silence and this book could be about the silence of those who die on the western front. …show more content…

In school, I have breached the surface of World War One through the eyes of American soldiers. This book was written by a German novelist and tells of his experience in war and what he heard, from the point of view as a German soldier. Hopefully, this book will illuminate the struggles many German soldiers faced during the war and I will be able to connect them to those I’ve heard about in regards to American soldiers during World War

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