All Quiet On The Western Front Rhetorical Analysis Essay

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The Brutal Truth of War All Quiet On the Western front by Erich Maria Remarque is book about a group of young german boys from a small town that are sent to fight one of the most deadly wars of all time. During this time they are mental exposed to the brutal truth of war. Remarque uses Similes and Metaphors to express just how brutal war can be. By using these Rhetorical Devices to show visually imagery of what the brutal truth of war is. By using these literary devices the Author clearly expresses what war is like mentally for you and everything around you. All Quiet on the Western Front is one of the most powerful war books of all time due to the Similes and metaphors used by Erich Maria Remarque. One of the most powerful tools that Remarque uses is visual imagery through Similes. Erich express how brutal and real war can be when he says "Like a big, soft jelly-fish, gas floats into our shell-hole and lolls there obscenely”. The Author shows how real and deadly a cloud of gas is by making it seem like a dangerous but subtle animal. The author uses theses similes to try to show the most …show more content…

The Author says “We learned that a bright button is weightier than four volumes of Schopenhauer”.The Author is expressing how knowing how to use your gun is more important than what they learned at school their entire life. The Author expressed this to show how these young boys have been sent to war when they have spent their whole lives learning how to do math when the should have learned how to be a better soldier. Another example of Remarques powerful use of metaphors to express how brutal war is “'We have become wild beasts. We do not fight, we defend ourselves against annihilation. The Author uses this metaphor to express they have become more like animals than humans to keep themselves alive in such a stressful and deadly environment. Also this shows how war changes people because of how brutal it

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