Alcoholics Generated From Family

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Alcoholics Generated From Family Many factors affect the way an adolescent reacts to the peer pressures of substance abuse. Many of these factors can be traced back to the adolescent’s family environment and upbringing. Researchers have described children of alcoholics as victims of an alcoholic family environment characterized by disruption, deviant parental role models, inadequate parenting, and disturbed parent child relationships. (Black.1982) An adolescent’s home and family are their primary source of the concepts of what is considered acceptable for drinking. Therefore, it is hardly surprising, that children follow their parents’ example. In many other cases it is found that some children of parents who drink heavily may reject their parents and their drinking behaviors because of the problems that arise because of it, such as embarrassment, social displacement or an abusive upbringing associated with it, and therefore as adults they will drink little or nothing. (Jennison.2001) What is an alcoholic? An Alcoholic describes a person who habitually uses intoxicating liquor to such an extent that he has lost the power of self-control with respect to the use of intoxicating liquor or to such an extent as to endanger the health safety or welfare of himself or other persons.” (Hyperdictionary.2003) Drinking can play a major role in a social respect, and is very rarely considered the powerful drug that it actually is, because of the good and relaxing effect it has on the bodies response system, but alcoholics don’t know of limits when it comes to the consumption of alcohol and they ... ... middle of paper ... ...Human Services Kenneth J Sher .(1997). Journal of Personality Disorders. Psychological Characteristics of Children of Alcoholics. V21 No.3 Pg 257. McKusik, Victor A. Mendelian. (1990) Inheritance in Man. Research Institute on Addictions.(1997). Effect of Parental Drinking on Adolescents. (SANCA) South African National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence. (1999).Adult Children of Alcoholics. Tabakoff, Boris, Patricia B. Sutker, Carrie Randall.(1983) Medical and Social Aspects of Alcoholism. New York: Plenum Press. Turney Lisa.(2000). Children of Alcoholics: Getting Past the Games Addicted Parents Play.

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