Aileen Wuorno Women

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Natsuo Kirino’s novel Out in contrast to the initial onceover is not a reduced revenge fantasy of women acting as their own agents. The avenging female stock character seems to be a dispensable commodity to feminist stories whether in the form of a novel, film or comic book. These heroines are the epitome of faux female power; they do not stand in to empower women but instead, are on standby with men in mind. The avenging female character who rises to occasion in novels to comic books are hyper sexualized. Kirino, reacts to this fallacious feminism by not allowing her avenging female protagonists to be decorative objects which so many feminist works do.
Hyper violent women in film or novels tend to be regarded as having feminist undertones …show more content…

Aileen Wuornos exhibits the consequences of an avenging female who did not fall within the requirements of being a justified vigilante. Wuornos, like the women of Out and the women of Set It Off was an outsider to the respectable world. She had a turbulent upbringing which resulted in her running away at an early age. She was a vagabond, hitching and engaging in prostitution as a means of generating income. It is not a stretch to compare Wuornos profession of prostitution to the menial work that went on in the factory where Masako and the others worked; both were repetitive tasks they carried out day to day. Yayoi and Wuornos can be examined as both being pushed to committing crimes. Yayoi was being abused and Wuornos was sadistically raped; both acts were a reclaiming of the body and a reassertion of choice. Wuornos also wasn’t deemed attractable in the eyes of society and in fact her looks helped seal her fate. She was depicted as a violent lesbian who was described as having “butch tendencies”. Because Wuornos challenged the general public’s perception of the avenging white femme fatale she was pigeonholed as being evil instead of possibly insane. Wuornos actions that could have very possibly been paranoid responses to rape was just boiled down to a heinous crime. Her crimes received great flack and were …show more content…

The female has always been seen as dangerous. From the earliest of time when Eve bit down on that apple to the Salem witch trials in Massachusetts. It is possible “women once was so dangerous that they had to have their feet bound” (Kingston 19). The witch trials certainly parallel the fear men faced in Out when females bonded together. To them it was a suspicious act for women to be close. Even with this predisposition to women as being sinister, those who knowingly commit the act that separates them from the rest of human society- the taking of another life- woman, “the tender murder”, is the most unusual and most fascinating. Despite the fact that we who may have a hard time crushing cockroaches know that murder is the ultimate transgression were mesmerized by those rare women, real and fictional, who step where we would never dare, and never wish”(Robbins 3). Murder appears to be gendered and their is a fascination towards women that

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