Aging In Place Planning Essay

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The Necessity for Aging-in-Place Planning? Understanding the necessity for formulating an aging-in-place family plan is key to living in your home safely and independently as you age. It's important to be proactive by planning ahead for the enviable medical emergencies when an injury or medical condition curtails or takes away ones independence and quality of life. Being ill prepared for life's medical incidences will come - it’s inevitable. Surviving a medical incident with health, mind and memory intact does not always happen without challenges (heart attack or stroke). Having an aging-in-place plan that outlines your family in-home long-term life-care instructions is your personal assurance and peace of mind for staying in your home. …show more content…

It’s a term used to describe a person's desire to live in ones own home and community for as long as possible. Aging in place does not fix an already existing problem. Aging is a human process that takes place over a period of time. The focus of aging-in-place is to help ensure loved-ones can live where they are - for as long as they can. Aging-in-Place Planning is a proactive planning process that documents, coordinates, and facilitates the arrangements of services including caregiving support needed to maintain a comfortable quality of life environment for self and love-one. The importance of an aging-in-place plan is to create as early as possible a "lifestyle action strategy" for living and staying healthy. The strategic purpose of the planning process is to focus on details for maintaining a lifelong quality lifestyle regiment covering: health & wellness, physical activity, home safety modifications, short/long term family finances, coordinating personal, legal and life care services, documenting family caregiving responsibilities, and more. Adults are aware that adverse health outcomes, medical incidences and emergencies, will happen at any time and any age. Being prepared by having a smart aging-in-place family plan is key to maintaining a quality lifestyle that will pay huge health rewards, as people get

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