Against Super PACs

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The next presidential election will be one like no one has ever seen before in terms of campaign funding and expenses. Even now, the GOP Presidential Primary races are already showing signs of how money will not be an object for their presidential candidate. The seemingly limitless budget exists for these candidates thanks to the so-called Super PACs (Political Action Committees). These Super PACs are allowed to come up with independent financing for the presidential campaign, sans any budgetary ceilings. The inner workings of such a committee has left a bad taste in the mouths of the voters even though very little is known about the actual history and reasons for the existence of the Super PACS. This paper will delve into the committee's history and the reasons behind the public outcry against the existence of Super PACs.

A Super PAC is an independent- expenditure only committee that has the legal power to raise unlimited sums of money in campaign contributions from individuals, corporations, unions, and other (lobbyist) groups. The committee was the result a landmark Supreme Court Decision (Citizens United vs. Federal Election Committee) that dictated that campaign contributions to third party groups cannot be limited (Wetheimer, “Citizens United and Contributions to Super PACs: A Little History Is in Order”). The term Super PAC can be attributed to Eliza Newlin Carney, a reporter who worked for CQ Roll Call. She was the first person to have used the term Super PACs in the context of the word definition.

Although Super PACs were not meant to openly support any single candidate, the committee has become a force to reckon with this campaign season. Its power and financial backing of particular candidates can be seen and felt...

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...obby groups and big corporations. He will be the best game player of them all because he will wear 2 political faces the way an entertainer wears the entertainment mask. He will be the master of telling people what they want to and need to hear all the while working in the background to get his political backers the legislative deals that they desire. That is the main reason why people are up in arms against the existence of Super PACs.

Works Cited

Hudson, John. “The Media Convinced Everyone to Hate Super PACs”. Politics. The Atlantic Wire. 13 Mar. 2012. Web. 26 Mar. 2012.

Scola, Nancy. “The Darkest Day in the History of American Super PACs”. Election 2012. The Atlantic. 30 Jan. 2012. Web. 24 Mar. 2012.

Wertheimer, Fred. “Citizens United and Contributions to Super PACs: A Little History Is in Order”. Politics. Huff Post. 21 Feb. 2012. Web. 23 Mar. 2012.

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