Against Arrest Detentions

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PROTESTATION AGAINST ARREST DETENTIONS AND CUSTODIAL DEATH Protestations against arrest detentions and custodial deaths are emblematic of broader societal concerns regarding police accountability, human rights abuses, and the need for systemic reforms within the criminal justice system. Arrest detentions, when carried out without proper legal justification or procedural safeguards, can lead to violations of individual rights, arbitrary detention, and instances of abuse and torture in custody. Custodial deaths, which occur under suspicious circumstances while individuals are in police custody, raise serious questions about police misconduct, negligence, and impunity. In response to these issues, civil society organizations, human rights activists, …show more content…

Rights are fundamental principles that recognize and protect the inherent dignity, autonomy, and freedoms of individuals within society. They serve as a bulwark against arbitrary interference, oppression, and injustice, ensuring that individuals are treated with respect and afforded opportunities to pursue their aspirations and well-being. The concept of rights is grounded in the belief that all human beings possess intrinsic value and are entitled to certain fundamental protections and entitlements by virtue of their humanity. These rights include civil and political rights, such as the right to life, liberty, and due process, as well as economic, social, and cultural rights, such as the right to education, healthcare, and a decent standard of living. Rights provide a framework for promoting human dignity, equality, and justice, and serve as a basis for holding governments and institutions accountable for upholding the rights of individuals and communities. Punishment, on the other hand, is a mechanism employed by societies to uphold the rule of law, maintain social order, and deter unlawful behaviour. It involves the imposition of sanctions or penalties on individuals who violate established laws or norms, with the aim of promoting accountability, preventing harm, and facilitating rehabilitation. Punishment encompasses a range of measures, including fines, imprisonment, community service, and rehabilitation programs, and is typically administered through the criminal justice system. The rationale for punishment is multifaceted and includes both utilitarian and retributive considerations. From a utilitarian perspective, punishment is justified on the grounds that it serves to deter future criminal behaviour, protect society from harm, and promote the overall welfare and security of the community. By imposing consequences

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