Afghanistan Research Paper

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“The Only Enemy an Afghan cannot defeat is himself.” - a thousand splendid suns. Afghanistan has been war torn by centuries of constant invasions and war. Afghanistan has become so used to war they have become accustomed to it, this has lead to Afghanistan's constant struggle. Many things in Afghanistan lead to war there. Terrorist groups such as the Taliban occupy much of Afghanistan and enforce inhumane laws. Afghanistan struggles from extreme poverty, this leads to many people becoming homeless. All of these problems keep this beautiful place from developing into a working country. Afghanistan is very poor, many people in Afghanistan are under the poverty line, about 40% of people living in Afghanistan are under the poverty line …show more content…

The terrorist group called the Taliban control most of Afghanistan especially in the rural areas. They inforce brutal laws and beat and kill people daily for illogical reasons. They keep all women from having basic rights. The women that live in the places controlled by the Taliban endure extreme adversity. Women in these areas can’t show their faces, and don’t even dare to speak. Schools are destroyed as the Taliban forbid schooling, they build their own schools to teach children the justification of taking part in a suicide bombing, young children as young as 5 years old are being taught that suicide is a loyal and honorable thing to do. And the sad part is many of the children believe this and are proud to do this horrific act, and most of the time not only one live is lost, buildings can be reduced to rubble possibly killing many (Children of the Taliban. ) The Taliban has such an influence here that people will “tattle”on their neighbors for watching videos, playing cards, and even reading (I was a Taliban Torture.) Drug abuse is another big problem that goes relatively unnoticed, 60% of people living in Afghanistan do drugs and including children. (From Cradle to Grave Addicts.) Drugs are very easy to get in Afghanistan because it is grown there from poppys, poppys create opium and heroin (Cradle to Grave

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