Affluenza Thesis

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Norman Mailer observed, “To blame the poor for subsisting on welfare has no justice unless we are also willing to judge every rich member of society by how productive he or she is. Taken individual by individual, it is likely that there are more idleness and abuse of government favors among the economically privileged than among the ranks of the disadvantaged.” According to Norman Mailer, the rich and those who do not use welfare, are constantly blaming them for the abuse of the welfare system. However, this is not the case, as Mailer believes that the rich have abused and exploited more government freebies than that of the poor on welfare have. To begin, let us dissect the phrase that everyone has heard about; The richer get richer while …show more content…

Affluenza is a mental disease that afflicts those who are wealthy. Those who are wealthy may tend to have depression, boredom, and an unhappiness in their lives. Furthermore, they tend to have a feeling of nihilism. This apathy is reserved for those more fortunate than the rest. When you ponder about the possible events and concerns that can be avoided by using such pleads, you can see that the wealthy have a fallback that they may plead in order to escape. When you argue for affluenza, there is a sense of helplessness amongst the person. This claim causes the judge to possibly be more lenient with the …show more content…

Government funding is a common aspect of life among people in the US. Throughout history, personal family assets have grown throughout the rich, however, among the poor who are within the bottom 50th percentiles, do not see a significant change in their values (Congressional Budget Office). As if the wealth and state of the lower 50th percentile families have hit a plateau. Although many do say the opposite that some rich people do not get away with certain things that the poor do not. Sometimes, many rich people are not as bad as you’d think. There have been many times in which the rich abide by the law and give back to the poor. Even in the past, many rich people give back to charity and support community actions. Such as when Bill Gates gave away $4.6 billion dollars in Microsoft Shares to his own charity (Kirsch 1). When we look at the positive contributions to society that many wealthy people have given, then we’d see a huge amount of money presented to us. However, that amount of money is only a fraction of what they are actually holding. As many wealthy people can survive better off even with taxes, some Americans still struggle to pass their

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