Aestheticism In Oscar Wilde's The Picture Of Dorian Gray

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“Because you have the most marvellous youth, and youth is the one thing worth having” (Wilde 29). This sentence became the root that sets in the mind of Dorian Gray which in turn instils the fear of aging.
The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde first published in July 1890 on the magazine of Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine and immediately caused an uproar due to its perceived allusion to homosexuality as it was an assault on the repressive Victorian Era during that time.
Many of the literature works that we assume as successful in fact deal with more than only one subtext. Freud believed that personality has three structure; the id, the ego and the superego (McLeod). And this Freudian theory is reflected on Wilde’s successful novel of The …show more content…

Epicurus (342270 B.C.E.), a Greek philosopher active during the Hellenistic period, had a defining influence on those identified as Aesthetes and Decadents (Konstan) . The movement has its roots in the Romantic period and the Pre-Raphaelites and spread in Western Europe and America during the late 19th century. According to Johnson, “aestheticism is not one single phenomenon, but a group of related phenomena, all reflecting a conviction that the enjoyment of beauty can by itself give value and meaning to life” (10). Aestheticism attempts to separate art from life in order to reduce moral implications. Art should be beautiful and pleasure its observer, but to imply further reaching influence would be a mistake. The explosion of aesthetic philosophy in English society, as exemplified by Wilde, was not confined to merely art, however. Rather, the principles of this philosophy extended it to life itself. Aestheticism advocated whatever behavior was likely to maximize the beauty and happiness in one’s life, in the tradition of hedonism. To the aesthete, the ideal life mimics art; it is beautiful, but quite useless beyond its beauty, concerned only with the individual living it. Influences on others, if existent, are trivial at best. Many have read The Picture as a promoter for just this sort of aesthetic lifestyle. However, the story of the rise and fall of Dorian might instead embody an allegory about morality meant to critique, rather than endorse the obeying of one’s impulses as thoughtlessly and dutifully as aestheticism

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