Actions and Their Labels of Either Right or Wrong

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Actions and Their Labels of Either Right or Wrong

In this academic essay there will be an in depth look at the words of

Mill, in terms of actions and their labels of either right and wrong,

and those connotations to happiness and, so to speak the reverse of

happiness. There will be an attempt through various different

channels, to illustrate the absurdity of utilitarianism, in the sense

of its mere provisional assessment of promoting happiness. Furthermore

this essay will also emphasize the fact that happiness is subjective

and the ripple effects this would have on the utilitarian theory.

Lastly this essay will deal with the complications utilitarianism

might have on an individual’s fundamental rights and the fact that

though it is sometimes our duty, in terms of moral ‘rights’ to act in

accordance to a utilitarian, this doesn’t mean that we need adopt the

principle or be forced to always adhere to its policies.

In chapter two, ‘What Utilitarianism is’, Mill makes the statement and

claim that morality is based on the foundations that the right thing

to do on any occasion is that which aims to give the maximum happiness

for all concerned:

“… Actions are right in proportion, as they tend to promote happiness,

wrong, as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness. By happiness

is intended pleasure and the absence of pain, by unhappiness, pain and

the privation of pleasure.” (Mill, Utilitarianism, p.697)

This may also be expressed in the simpler phrase: “the greatest good

for the greatest number” (Teach yourself Philosophy, Mel Thompson,

p149) Mill takes it one step further, by saying that morality requires

impartial consi...

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possibility that happiness may be subjective and that other people may

not want what you deem to be their happiness. And lastly it is clear

that human beings are packaged with some intrinsic human rights, such

as the right to life, and though sometimes it’s our duty to forego

these rights, such as in the example of the submarine, this does not

require that one adopt the principle that one should always do so. It

is then with this that we can deduce that actions are not right in

proportion as they tend to promote happiness and wrong as they tend to

produce the reverse of happiness, but rather a culmination of various

different factors, both seen and unseen.

Work Cited:

Teach yourself Philosophy, Mel Thompson

The Philosophy Gym, Stephen Law

Reason & Responsibility, Joel Feinburg & Russ Shafer – Landau

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