Achaikos And Aikaterine: A Short Story

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A long time ago, before man had mastery of the elements, the world was split in three. In this world, there was the fiery continent, the bottomless ocean and the infinite sky. No life could exist on the world for the land was too hot, the ocean too fierce and the sky was but a void.

When the sun came into being, a mountain rose from where the land and the sea met. On the point where the mountain kissed the sky was a pond, and out of this pond emerged the first humans. There was a man whose name was Achaikos and a woman whose name was Aikaterine. When the sun shone upon the pond, trees drooping with fruits bloomed and ancient wildflowers sprouted. Here, Achaikos and Aikaterine lived for many eons.

Though Achaikos and Aikaterine had many children, none would leave the mountain as they feared the brutal environment would swallow them. …show more content…

A great column of vapour rose from where the water struck land and dissipated into the void. Seeing young Sydney tame the land with water, the humans on the mountain set to tame all the land in the

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