Abuse Of Power In Animal Farm

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The poor use of power can be viewed as the manipulation of people with the capacity to punish them if they don't cooperate. In the world, the abuse of power is admired and fought over by those who desire it and often feared by those who lack it. In the novel, Animal Farm by George Orwell abuse of power that affects the community is shown through: manipulation of laws, making others believe untrue stories, and manipulating others causing them fear.
To begin with, a leader’s use of power affect the well-being of their community because leaders can manipulate laws for the worst for the community. For example, Orwell writes, “There was nothing there now except a single Commandment. It ran: ALL ANIMALS ARE EQUAL BUT SOME ANIMALS ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS”(118), which means that the old commandments had converted to only one commandment, this commandment still supports equality, but …show more content…

In addition, Orwell writes, “But the explanation was really very simple. The van had previously been the property of the knacker and had been bought by the veterinary surgeon”(110). This matters because Squealer, under the command of Napoleon, is telling the animals lies about Boxer so, later on, he can tell them that he was present to Boxer’s death and his lasts words were, “Forward, Comrades! … Forward in the name of the Rebellion” and “Long live Animal Farm! Long live Comrade Napoleon! Napoleon is always right” (109), which made the animals feel satisfied, less worried and keep doing their chores due to their ignorance. This is significant because, in the real world, relatable things happen, people under the power of a leader that abuses their power are most likely to persuade others with their lies, making the leader look good to the

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