Abraham Lincoln Our Nations Behavior Research Paper

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Abraham Lincoln, Our Nations Savior Abraham Lincoln single-handedly was and forever will be the greatest president of the United of America and his actions greatly impacted American History in many ways. Sure, some may say that Abraham Lincoln played a minor role in American History, but he accomplished things that nobody would even try to obtain. His list of accomplishments could put Santa’s Naughty and Nice list to shame, but out of all those, three, stand out and shine through the rest. Each and every one of them shaped and paved the way to what is present day America. These three accomplishments include, the Emancipation Proclamation passed January 1, 1863, the 13th Amendment passed January 31, 1865, and finally his Civil War Victory. …show more content…

By simply stating this the war took a complete turn to the North’s advantage. They now had something to fight for in this war, eradication of slavery, Lincoln did an exceptional job of passing this because by doing so he flushed away the South’s chance of getting any aid or assistance from any foreign country. The Proclamation not only eradicated slavery, but it diversified the Union troops, by the end of the Civil War over 200,000 black soldiers had fought for freedom. In 1865 the North was well aware of how things would end with the Civil War. Lincoln then proposed an addition to the Constitution, absolute abolishment of slavery or forced servitude anywhere in the U.S, also known as the 13th Amendment. Although this banned slavery, it didn’t stop the segregation or the alienation that was lingering in everyday life for these African Americans, but even with this flaw this amendment paved the way towards a much greater goal, true

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