Abortion: The Solution to Overpopulation

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For centuries, people have longed for an effective means of birth control. Before birth control pills and surgery, there was no way of preventing a pregnancy. However, if women did get pregnant, they could choose to have an abortion. In early societies, unwanted children were often disposed of after they were born. Infanticide was common. Sometimes babies were killed outright and other times they were simply abandoned. In 1973, abortion was legalized in the United States by the Supreme Court’s decision on the case Roe vs. Wade and it has become one of the most controversial topics in America ever since then. This case divided the nation into two groups, pro-life and pro-choice. The term pro-life refers to the groups of people that oppose abortion and pro-choice refers to the groups that support it. Pro-life supporters argue that abortions are murder and extreme cases of child abuse. For most pro-life supporters, their religious morals oppose the killing of another human being. From the moment of conception, the embryo is alive and its life imposes a moral obligation to preserve it. ...

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