Abigail's Motivation In The Crucible

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Self-motivation. Where does it come from? In today’s society, it could be argued that people’s motivation comes from the active pursuit of acceptance from others. Positive reinforcement from peers, colleagues, guardians, and friends when a person does something for attention, even if it is not a morally correct thing to do, sends a message to that person that what they are doing is okay. The real question; however, is did they do it for themselves? Are the actions done with the intent of getting attention from the crowd that is watching like a hawk or is it perhaps second-nature and they do it for the benefit of society? In the Puritan town of Salem in nineteen-sixty-two, the same question remains. Even more so, back then in the small city of Salem, their sinful nature was not something to mess with. It is almost as if that high standard was too high for some and they were aware of that. Ultimately, were the actions of the promiscuous Abigail Williams, the hard-working John Proctor or the wise Goodwife Nurse, or the knowledgeable Reverend Hale selfish or was it for the “greater good” of the society? When Abigail first started to accuse people in her town of witchcraft, she was trying to protect herself. Blaming other people and …show more content…

In the twenty-first century, narcissism is something people applaud. When it comes down to it, though, it is impossible to know why a person does the things he or she does. It is only up for assumption what the person’s motives are and it only makes sense that both sides are prevalent behind those person’s actions. Even the most holy of holy people sin and are selfish. It was no different than in a want-to-be utopian society of Puritan people in Salem, Massachusetts. More often than not, the desires of oneself won the battle, but like anywhere in the world, people of integrity stood high for the benefit of their community- ending up

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