Abigail Williams: Abnormal Adolescent Behavior

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During the time of adolescence in one’s life, emotions and feelings become more noticeable to them. It is a time when one begins to search themselves and find out who they are and what their personality is. Sometimes it isn’t easy to portray these emotions and feelings and one might not know how to handle them. In some cases one might portray these feelings and emotions in a bizarre form and it becomes a disorder or a mental problem. In The Crucible by Aurthur Miller, Abigail Williams, the antagonist, displays signs of abnormal adolescent behavior, schizophrenia and shows that she cannot easily handle her emotions.

The ways these emotions and feelings are sometimes conveyed are sometimes seen as an outlandish acts and they are better known as abnormal adolescent behavior. Abnormal adolescent behavior occurs during the transition from childhood to adult. (Ages 12-17) Abnormal adolescent behavior can be best described as acts done by an adolescent that are not easily accepted into society. They are bizarre, wild and almost crazy acts. Some adolescents reach a stage where they begin to experience different things and some begin to act out wildly not being able to necessarily control themselves. Some digns of this disorder can be aggressive behavior that may harm or threaten other people or animals, destructive behavior that may damage or destroy property, precocious sexual activity and lying or theft. These signs and actions can lead to a higher chance of the adolescent having suicidal thoughts or attempts, academic difficulties, higher chances of injury and problems with the law and sexually transmitted diseases. What can or may cause or bring about this abnormal behavior in an adolescent may be rejection from parents, peers and ...

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...igail was accused of lying, Abigail claimed she had seen Mary as a yellow bird spreading her wings descending upon her trying to take her soul away from her. Abigail’s actions throughout the story lead us to believe that after a while of pretending to see things, she becomes schizophrenic. In the beginning, the people never really understood what she meant when she had said she saw things. After Abigail had accused people and the accused where being hung, Abigail continued to accuse innocent people. These people were immediately imprisoned. Abigail and the girls would have to come to their trials to prove that these people where witches and other “evil” beings. Abigail put on an act every time and countless innocent people where hung. She had no emotion and no remorse for what she had done or what she was doing. This tells us that Abigail has become schizophrenic.

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