Abigail Adams: Witness To A Revolution

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“If particular care and attention is not paid to the ladies, we are determined to foment a rebellion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any laws in which we have no voice, or representation.” This is a famous quote by the equally renowned Abigail Adams. Natalie S. Bober wrote Abigail Adams: Witness to a Revolution, a 221 page biography of Abigail Adams. Abigail had chronicled the hardships and victories alike of the American Revolution through letters to family and friends. Even though she asked them to burn the letters, historians since are glad they chose not to.
Abigail Adams was a strong willed feminist. She fought for equal rights, not only for women, but also for people of color. In one of her letters to John Adams, she begged him …show more content…

She loved writing letters to family and friends on just about every topic imaginable. When John went to France as a plenipotentiary, Abigail frequently wrote to him and updated him on the news back in Braintree, where she lived at the time. Even though Abigail felt alone and depressed while John was away for sometimes years at a time for politics, writing helped her communicate her feelings and share opinions with other people. Her letters have become crucial to understanding the Revolutionary era of the United States and are fantastic and detailed firsthand accounts of the …show more content…

We still argue over the same issues. People still disagree about the same problems, still struggle to grasp the same ideas, still can’t accept changes being made to society. The face of the issue may have changed. It looks different, maybe we even know it by a different name but at its heart, the problem is still the same. The same thing is causing it, we’re still missing the same crucial bit of information, we’re still thinking the same way. We can change it’s name, paint it a different color, put it in a costume, but it’s still not solved. Something needs to be changed. Not necessarily our people or our county but the thinking and the approach that needs to be changed. It only takes one voice to be heard but it takes a thousand ears willing to listen to that single voice in order for something to

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