A Visit From The Goon Squad Time Quotes

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In her novel, A Visit from the Goon Squad, Jennifer Egan utilizes time as a means of storytelling, but also as a character who is as tactile and ever-changing as the rest of the novel’s characters. As the novel’s perspective switches across multiple characters, each of whom has a different personality and mentality, time also shifts. Additionally, time in Egan’s novel radically differs across the novel, such as the first chapter where we are presumed to be in modern-day New York and following the character Sasha, to the fourth chapter where we a now following Lou on an African safari with his children in the mid-70s. The change in both time and character serve as a break from the previous chapter, shifting the focus to seemingly less important background characters and shifting the time from distant pasts to nearer pasts and back again, giving …show more content…

From the beginning of the novel, Egan presents time as something fleeting when Sasha, while on her date with Alex is described as, “passed that point” regarding her being older than her companion. As the novel progresses, the reader is given a chapter following a more modern-day Bennie Salazar, whose impotence and numerous embarrassing memories are beginning to take control of his life. When we flashback to chapters three and four, which show Bennie and his friends, along with Lou, a record producer, in their prime in the 70s, Egan shifts the focus of the novel from washed up characters hoping to regain their past selves to showing the reader the characters in their youthful and virile states. Eventually, by chapter five, Egan shifts once again from sharing stories from the characters’ heydays to members of Bennie’s former friend group reuniting around Lou’s death bed, their energy and juvenescence, withered and

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