A Summary Of The Sea Empress Oil Spill And The BP Oil Spill

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The Sea Empress oil spill and the BP oil spill have had major damages to their environment. In both cases, different species have been killed and endangered because of the now polluted waters. Industries, such as the fishing industries, have been closed down because of the oil flowing through the water.

However, the cleanup process for both spills were drastically different, and it lead to a completely different result. For the Sea Empress spill, people were dedicated to the cleaning up straight away, whereas in the BP spill, the company just neglected it and resorted to ignorant tactics such as throwing garbage in the sea in hope for it to suck up the oil, which didn’t work as they had hoped. As explained before, the Sea Empress didn’t have a drastically negative impact on the impact, but the BP oil spill left a huge scar on the environment and prevalent. Up to this day, oil is still found in the Bahamas and also in the fats of the fish that inhabit. The BP company itself weren’t responsible for the clean up, as they paid the government to do all the cleaning up. There are many criticisms towards BP. Many of the major oil companies that operate in the Gulf of Mexico distanced themselves from BP and criticized the design of Macondo well which was the initial reason for the

Because of the BP oil spill many of the working industries in the Gulf of Mexico were highly affected. Since a large portion of the marine life was affected a number of the oil fishing industries have been shut down. This is because the oil spill has caused mutations to start occurring in the water, thus creating problems for the future species. Fishing industries have had to shut down to prevent harm to any of their buyers. The lack of business success has ...

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...mental-friendly approach was made from the lessons learnt from previous spills. (picture of high pressure washing) such as that high pressure washing put together the problem of oil in sensitive habitats and
Environments, and prolongs the recovery time

Oil provides us with many necessities in our lives. Cosmetics, medicines, cleaning products, asphalt, food, plastic, and most importantly, petroleum. But of course, nothing comes without a price. The oil that makes our lives so much more convenient, is also ironically gradually killing the environment, this very Earth that we live in. One of the biggest environmental concerns come from oil spills. Oil spill is defined as “ the release of a liquid petroleum hydrocarbon into the environment, especially marine areas, due to human activity, and is a form of pollution.” Let’s look at some examples of these oil spills.

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