A Serpent's Tooth Compare Contrast Essay

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Craig Johnson’s novel A Serpent’s Tooth, is a unique approach to the detective fiction genre. In comparison to the novel The Ice Princess there is many differences, specifically between the two detectives and the variety of characters in both novels. Sheriff Longmire and Erika both have support throughout their stories from the other characters; however, Sheriff Longmire would be a boring and uncharismatic character if were not for the support of the other characters. When discussing Longmire character, the five major characteristics that are obvious about him is that he is a male, an older gentleman, who is very observant, patient, and not judgmental. These characteristics make Longmire the detective he is. His name, his retiring of his high school jersey, and his relationship (professional and sexual) with Vic are the obvious examples of his physical characteristics which makes his character. A small example his thoughts about Vic. The narrator describes his attraction towards Vic by saying, “I ignored my undersheriff, which is difficult to do. She was wearing a summer dress in an attempt to forestall the season, and a marvelous portion of her tanned legs was revealed above her boots and below them” (3). …show more content…

The first example is in the very beginning of the book and his encounter with Barbara Thomas. He asked Barbara, “So, when did the angels pitch in and start working around you, Mrs. Thomas?” (2). Any other detective in the other novels or T.V. shows would have not been so patient and non-judgmental as Longmire. He is not quick to jump to conclusion in comparison to someone like Luther, or is not using scientific reasoning to get the truth like

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