A Rhetorical Analysis Of The Commencement Speech By Steve Jobs

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Dreams, we are told to follow them, but is it really that easy? Billionaire, entrepreneur, founder of Apple, Next, and Pixar, Steve Jobs in his commencement speech "You've got to find what you love." He implements that you have to follow your dreams and don't settle for any less than your dreams. Jobs purpose was to inspire college graduates to follow their dreams.He also adopts an convincing tone in order to convey the importance of following your dreams. Jobs uses ethos, pathos, and anecdotes to tell you don't settle for things less than your dreams. Jobs begins his speech by providing you have to start some where to reach your full potential. He uses emotional anecdote's to show his character and history. He starts off with an account of how his "Biological mother was a young, unwed college graduate student" that decided to give him up for adoption. Jobs goes to explain that it doesn't matter how you are brought up in life, what matters is the choices you make, and proves this idea by admitting that he dropped out of the college." He uses his personal experience in order to inspire the graduates to move forward in the adversity. This inspirational lesson conveys a hopeful tone that reassure that graduates they can beat all odds. …show more content…

"What has been the focus of my entire adult life was gone." Jobs lost the company that he built form the ground up. Through the use of pathos, he uses the loss of Apple as a door way to "the Most creative period" of his life where he went on to become co- owner of two new companies and to fall in love with the women who would become his wife. He uses this experience in order to encourage the graduates to never "lose faith." This story of love and loss helps to set a compelling tone that motivates the audience to keep

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