A Reflective Comparison of the Person- Centred and Reality Therapy Elements in Egan’s (2007) The Skilled Helper, Addressed Within an Educational Conte

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Counselling is a term used for a developed relationship that exists through dialogue between a therapist and client. The fundamental purpose of counselling is for the therapist to help the client to overcome problems or learn to cope. Within the context of the Skilled Helper, Egan’s (2001) ‘help’ is a learned experience in human behaviour that progresses through a client/helper relationship addressing both the problem-situations and missed opportunities that clients encounter. The Person- Centered therapy, which is a subsidiary of the Existential approach, has direct links within the skilled helper through the emphasis on client/therapist relationships and demonstrated empathetic caring qualities. A strong relationship between teacher and the student is also addressed in the Dimensions of Learning. (Marzano and Pickering, 1997) The skilled helper model comprises of three interconnected stages that assist the client, from dealings with the current scenario that has brought the client to seek help and identifying “what is wrong?” through possibilities and preferred client driven scenarios, towards a best fit action strategy that addresses the clients new plan for change. The Reality Therapies WDEP model requires addressing the actions and beliefs of the client is closely linked to Egan’s (2007) skilled helper process. Furthermore, techniques employed by the skilled helper such as brainstorming and scaffolding have a direct link to the teaching profession. Help is a comprehensive term used to describe the assistance to a person from another. The foundation of genuine helping lies in being ordinary. Nothing special. We can only offer ourselves, neither more nor less, to others - we have in fact, nothing else to give. (Brandon ... ... middle of paper ... ...g Hats: An Essential Approach to Business Management. Little, Brown, & Company Bordin, E. S. (1979). The generalizability of the psychoanalytic concept of the working alliance. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research & Practice, 16(3), 252-260. Burnard, P. (1999)Practical counselling and helping . London: Routledge Feltham, C. ( 1999) Understanding the counselling relationship. London: Sage publications Corey, T. and Slater, T. ( 2003) Brainstorming: Techniques for new ideas. Lincoln: iUniverse Brandon, David (1982) The trick of being ordinary : notes for volunteers & students, London: Mind. Smith, Heather and Mark K. Smith (2008) The Art of Helping Others. Being around, being there, being wise. London: Jessica Kingsley. Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in society: The development of higher psychological processes. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

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