A Raisin In The Sun By Lorraine Hansberry

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Symbolic Relationships A symbol is an object, person, or saying, that has another meeting other than its literal meaning. Many different symbols are present in “A Raisin in the Sun.” These symbols also relate to the views of people during this time period, and even personal experiences from the author Lorraine Hansberry. Symbols from this text focus on somewhat controversial issues of not only this time period, but also now. The major symbols in “A Raisin in the Sun” that focus on relationship and family include, “Eat Your Eggs”, Mama’s plant, and Beneatha's hair. The first symbol, “Eat Your Eggs,” is present early on in the text and focuses on the relationships between a man and woman. Ruth yells at Walter to eat his eggs instead of naging, …show more content…

In Hansberry’s text, Mama’s emotions and dreams could be exhibited through her plant. She took care of that plant so well and did so because it was similar to being apart of the family. Mama also takes pride in her care and the growth of this plant which means she takes pride in her family and their successes. This shows that she is proud of her family and cares a lot about them. The plant also symbolizes her dream which is to own her own house with a garden in the back. In “A Raisin in the Sun,” the stage directions …show more content…

She is lost, vague, trying to catch hold, to make some sense of her former command of the world, but it still eludes her. A sense of waste overwhelms her gait; a measure of apology rides on her shoulders. She goes to her plant, which has remained on the table, looks at it, picks it up and takes it to the windowsill and sits it outside, and she stands and looks at it a long moment. Then she closes the window, straightens her body with effort and turns around to her children) (Hansberry 66; Act 3, Scene 1) This quote shows how Mama’s emotions are shown by her actions toward the plant. Recently Mama put all of her faith and a great sum of money in her son, Walter, and trusted he would do big things with the money like he promised. But, Walter ended up failing, and disappointing his mother. Mama's loss of hope is expressed through her actions and also in the suffering of her beloved little plant. She put all her faith in her son Walter, but he has disappointed her. With his failure, her dreams have

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