A Personal Analysis Of Jeremy Bentham's Utilitarianism

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With Utilitarianism as a whole, I view the idea as a concept that has the potential to be good in theory, but only to an extent, and as one that will, without a doubt, always fail in actual practice. In an argument against it, I view that with this mindset, while we try to focus on how to maximize a person or person’s pleasure/happiness/etc. we gloss over far too many other factors that can have a major effect on the morality of the concept. Along with the morality, sometimes when a person may find pleasurable can be detrimental to their physical and emotional health, their mental stability, and their relationships with others. My grasp of this concept leads me to believe that, if implemented, this could work for a very short amount of time, …show more content…

Bentham creates this with the hopes that it will end up changing laws in the society that seemed corrupt and useless to him, basing much of it on Hume’s idea of Social Utility. With his outlook, Utilitarianism was not about how you get your pleasure, nor about the overall quality of the act itself, but instead about gaining as much pleasure as you can in any way possible. Along with maximizing pleasure for oneself, it is stated in Stanford University’s paper on this subject they …show more content…

By this I mean most commonly substances such as cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamines. These are all substances that can cause extreme harm to the body, such as weakened immune system, cardiovascular conditions leading to heart attack, liver damage, and intense brain damage. Also, all of these are substance people in search of release commonly end up overdosing on after developing a tolerance. It is nothing, if not a well-known fact that after prolonged exposure too many different types’ drugs, the body begins to build up a tolerance. This is something that applies to drugs across the board, not just what are considered hard drugs. This leads to a person needing more and more of a substance every time they use it, which can cause ones health to rapidly

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