A Long Way To Go Essay About Survival

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Trust and survival are often the major points in A Long Way To Go. Ishmael who is just

a young teenage boy- left home not knowing he will never return. Ever since due to the facts the

revels are invading his homeland. Everyday it is a day to survive not live. He faces many

obstacles trying to remain alive during his way out, but in order to do this, he will have to learn

how to trust his surroundings. Despite, the many accounts where he is confident in him and his

friends, he is also on an ongoing struggle between trusting one another and surviving.

In the beginning of his precarious journey, he was a boy who barely had any experience

outside his village. The outbreak of war made him run out of hope more and more everyday.

With this, he …show more content…

Also, it displays one of his ways to live throughout the day, it was to find another village for a

brief statement and escape.

On one of his many first accountancy with enduring a way to survive, Ishmael has felt as

though he did not belong anywhere anymore. He was like an outcast to many villages and was

unsure of his next destination. For instance, “-I wasn’t sure when or where it was going to end. I

didn’t know what I was going to do with my life. I felt like I was starting over and over again. I

was always on the move, always going somewhere” To survive each passing day was my goal in

life.”(chap 10) This shows his fear in the upcoming future because everything was like Deja’s

Vu all over again. Every single day his mind was filled with the thoughts on how to survive, so

he started to get used to the concept of starting over again.

As time passes by, Baehl has been accepting and opened to the idea of how to survive on

his own. However, before that happened “I feel like each time I accept death, part of me dies.

Very soon I will completely die and all that will be left is my empty body walking with

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