A Dystopian Society In Michael Pollen's Novel, Short Story Or Film

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Michael Pollen once said "A lawn is nature under totalitarian rule". This quote expresses how many things no matter how small can be under a totalitarian government. Nature cannot grow as it wants, it is shaped and manipulated how the owner wants it. This is the equivalent to Dystopian Literature. This shows that all dystopian literature whether it’s novel, short story or film is all the same.
Society in Dystopian Literature is seen as a utopia. The society believes that regardless of the costs if rules and procedures are followed it is for the greater good. In 1984 a society in a place called Oceania is seen as Utopia. The Citizens of this Utopian society live in extreme poverty under its government and are under constant surveillance. In Harris Bergeron society is also seen as a utopia. The society is made to where everyone is …show more content…

The society is said to be equal due to the handicaps the government puts on it citizens to make them average. In the movie the Hunger Games the society is separated between the rich and the poor. The government uses the poor as a pawn for entertainment to put them up against each other and fight till their death. All the citizens In the society are all alike. The societies in all the governments are all the same. The society is poor and under oppression from the government. These societies have characteristics in there that are different. In 1984 society is very dark. Citizens have no type of freedom. They cannot have regular shopping available and al products are made by one company. Sex is seen as something that should only be used for reproduction and not pleasure. In Harrison Bergeron society is made on views of everything should be distributed. Citizens are handicapped every type of individuality that

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