"A Dream Within A Dream" By Edgar Allan Poe

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The five stages of death: Denial and Isolation, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance; many people, if not all, go through these stages within their lifespan. “A Dream Within A Dream” by Edgar Allan Poe follows a forlorn speaker who is grieving a lost loved one. Most people cannot fathom the utter desolation of watching a loved one die, the helplessness of a life passing, the self loathing that comes with the failure of protecting what you love the most. The poem begins with an almost calm acceptance and a gentle farewell between two lovers. The first line the speaker bestows a “kiss upon the brow” (line 1. . . is this redundant?) to his departed lover, this classic show of affection draws the reader into a picturesque reverence. From there the speaker questions existence and the afterlife, as a traditional question that to this day is still disputed over, the speaker tries to create a sense of hope in seeing his love again. His hope that has “flown away” (line 6) gives hope a birdlike quality, and though hope may leave there is always an optimism that is will come back. The question of “Yet if hope has flown away. . .Is it therefore the less gone?”(line 6-9) is striking to the readers, it is the first use of italics and brings the reader in to answer the question. The speaker’s question addresses that in the complete loss of hope, does hope really matter when you lost something that you can never get back? The next use of italics in “All that we see or seem / Is but a dream within a dream.” (Line 10-11) Unifies “gone (line 9) and “All” (line 10) with hope and the speaker’s love being gone, it is still the only thing that he can see. The speaker’s “dream within a dream” (line 11) can allude to two different mean... ... middle of paper ... ... he is slowly losing his fondest memories of his departed love. Once more the speaker uses italics to pull together two main concepts in his stanza, “One” (line 25) and “all” (line 26) the one being his deceased love still the only thing on his mind after all this time. The poem overall compares life to a dream through many aspects. The fact that man cannot control what he dreams of, or how as the day goes on the memory of the dream fades. The speaker in the poem loses control of his world when his love passes on, then as he ages his fond memories of their time together are ebbed away by the tides of time. This poem is enjoyable through the darker experience of loss that throughout time many people go through, and it leaves the reader with the forlorn helplessness that the speaker feels through the poem. “Grief changes shape, but it never ends.” (Keanu Reeves)

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