A Doll's House Vs. Now

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Windoloski Windoloski Traditional and Societal Roles of Women: A Doll?s House vs. Now In Henrik Ibsen?s A Doll?s House the traditional and societal roles of women are very similar to the roles that women today play in their everyday lives. A Doll?s House is a story of Nora Helmer and her husband Torvald. During the play the reader sees the hardships Nora faces and the limitations that Torvald sets for her. She also struggles to face the common expectations of both a wife and mother. Her ignorance causes her to be innocent in a way. In the play Nora tells Mrs. Linde, who is poor, …show more content…

Nobody ever helps me into carriages or over puddles, or gives me the best place - and ain?t I a woman? . . .14 The Nineteenth Amendment was passed on June 4, 1919 for women to have the right to vote. This happened with the help of Susan B. Anthony, a women?s rights activist who believed rights belong to United States citizens. She wanted the rights to continue to be passed on and guaranteed to future generations of women.15 The Nineteenth Amendment was ratified on August 18, 1920. Olivia Coolidge states that, ?By 1920, when the vote was won, the modern woman was a very different species from her grandmother. She had the ability, the education, the independence to look around her. . . . She viewed conditions with a fresh …show more content…

In the 1870s, when A Doll?s House took place, women wore their hair high on the top of their head, and close to the sides.19 The styles were becoming less tidy as time went on. In the eighteenth century women wore soft silk dresses, they held fans, and wore wigs. In the nineteenth century women began to wear puffed sleeves and whale bone in their corsets, along with the back of their skirts bulging. In the twentieth century, the mini skirt was invented and clothes became extremely informal. In the later half of the century, clothes varied for men and women and all of the styles mostly

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