A Doll House Gender Roles

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A Dollhouse by Henrik Ibsen includes many examples of strict adherence to gender roles. Nora the main character in the play takes on a role that a woman in her time frame wasn't allowed. Especially, how many folks in her time saw as a young and immature, also women couldn't do anything without their husbands allowing it. When Nora's husband Torvald becomes ill and they have to travel Italy and don't have enough money, Nora finds a way to make sure her husband to get better. Nora gets into debt without her husband knowing. In the time frame that women couldn't do a lot of things that men were allowed to do. For example, when Nora tells Mrs. Linde she is in debt with Mr. Krogstad, clearly Mrs. Linde says " No, wife cannot barrow without her husband's

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