A Comparison of Broadsheet Newspapers with Tabloid Newspapers

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A Comparison of Broadsheet Newspapers with Tabloid Newspapers

Investigation 1

Hypothesis 1

"Broadsheet newspapers have a longer average word length than tabloid


My theory is that broadsheet newspapers use a more complex style of

language. In effect I think this will result in a longer average word

length in a broadsheet than in a tabloid newspaper. Both newspapers

will have a large amount of short word included in the articles,

however, this can not be avoided due to the modern English language. I

believe the articles in a broadsheet newspaper will have a higher

average of longer words than in a tabloid. Although tabloids do

contain some long words it will only be a fraction of long words that

the broadsheet contains. I also think that the longest word counted in

my investigation will be found in the broadsheet newspapers. I predict

that the broadsheets will have a longer average word length.



* Choose two broadsheets and two tabloid newspapers published on the

same days.

* Select three articles from the news section of the newspapers.

They must be of the same stories and be of a suitable length (over

300 words).

o Repeat the above but this time select three articles from the sports

section of the newspapers that appear in all four newspapers

* Once again repeat the above however this time select three

articles from the financial section that appear in all four


* Randomly select one article from each section by asking somebody

to pick out of a hat one article from the news section one from

the sports section and one from the financial section.

* You will now have 12 randomly selected articles to test.

* Underline every third word in each article ignoring proper nouns

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