A Clean Well-Lighted Place Essay

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“A Clean Well-Lighted Place” by Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961) is a simple and impassive short story that almost seems to lack a plot. However, the meaning of the story is much deeper when broken down. . In the story, there is a deaf old man in a café drinking alone, staring out at nothing. There are also two waiters who watch the old man while one waiter tells the other that the old man tried to kill himself because he was in despair. It is through Hemingway’s use of language that helps put into context what life really is. The truth is hidden beneath the story revealing emotional darkness, eventual isolation, and existential depression brought on by vacancy. The theme outlined throughout the story is the meaning of life, developed by creating a sense of whether there is a meaning at all. In order for the old man to hold on and keep the nada at bay, he must have light, cleanliness, order and dignity. If all else has failed for him, he must fall back on suicide as his last option. “It was all nothing and a man was nothing. It was only that and light… and a certain cleanness and order.”(Hemingway #127). During World War I, in 1918, Hemingway served as an …show more content…

The illustration of a secluded “old man who sat in the shadow the leaves of the tree” is given numerous times in the story. (#1933). The constant use of “the old man sitting in the shadow,” shows the kind of isolated world the old man deals with and the intensity of his situation. (#1933). This is also depicted through the old man’s deafness. “He liked to sit late because he was deaf and now at night it was quiet and he felt the difference” (#1934). This shows that he is deaf to the world and not just literally deaf. The empathy of the older waiter shows the understanding he feels about the emptiness and deafness. In contrast with the younger waiter who has “youth confidence and a job” the older waiter wants “everything but work”

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