A Christmas Carol Rhetorical Analysis

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Intro: Many people have transformed, or changed, throughout their lives, either in a positive or a negative way. But what does it mean to transform? That can be different between people and the way they think. Some think it's something unacceptable and you should try avoiding it, others want to transform themselves. To transform, you just need to see the true meaning of things and be happy. It is possible to change, but you need a reason to change. You need motivation, just like how you need the motivation to do the things you love to do. Paragraph 1: In the story, “A Christmas Carol”, Scrooge goes through many changes, one of Scrooge is him being one of the most closed minded people in his hometown to the most thoughtful person. This happened when the Ghost of Christmas Present visited Scrooge and showed him Cratchit and his family. Little did Scrooge know one of Cratchit’s children, Tiny Tim, was dying. Him seeing this showed Scrooge what his little pay to Cratchit was doing. As a result, Scrooge began to feel a little more thoughtful and raised Cratchit’s salary in hopes of being able to raise enough money to cure Tiny Tim and to support his family. Doing this, Scrooge became like a second father towards Tiny Tim. …show more content…

He was also drastically cross. He was moodier than a stormy day in London, as for London gets a lot of rainy days. Though when he saw everyone was happy and giving on Christmas Eve, even though most were poor and living in the streets he saw the everyone can be happy, even him. This showed him not everything is about money. For this reason, he came to be so cheerful, even a star was not as bright as

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