Eighth Grade In High School

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Most teenagers would say that eighth grade is the most boring year of school, that they’re all just waiting for high school. Before I had actually reached eighth grade, I also would’ve said the same. I used to have this idea that eighth grade would be useless, and I still think that way in certain aspects, such as the teaching portion. My teachers taught me the same lessons they taught me in seventh grade, just with more difficult questions. However, in retrospect, if what had happened to me in eighth grade hadn’t happened, I doubt I would be the same. In eighth grade I began dating my current boyfriend, I learned the truth about my best friend, and I discovered my true self. On the first day of eighth grade I didn’t actually feel as nervous …show more content…

I tried out so many different styles to see where I fit in. I listened to all the types of music the “cool” girls at my school listened to, trying to befriend them, but it just didn’t feel right. I felt lost and as if I was a stranger to myself. I wanted to fit in so bad, but I realized that coming to terms with myself was more important than that. On June 8, 2013, a few days before the end of eighth grade, I discovered K-Pop. I had an instant feeling of understanding and happiness when I first watched and listened to it. It just felt right, like I was supposed to be doing that. I began studying about Seoul and Korea, its culture and history, even learning the language, and that’s when I realized who I was. Someone who wanted to be in Korea, who wanted to know more about its past, and what it had in store for the future, especially as one of the leading countries for technology. The next day I discovered a program called Korvia that sent people all over Korea to teach English to public and private school students. That’s when I knew what I wanted to do. Not only could I teach people- something I love to do- but I could do it in a place that I loved. And on the last day of eighth grade I promised myself that I would do just …show more content…

I discovered love through my boyfriend, betrayal and pain through my best friend, and self-understanding through music. It’s hard to imagine that my whole perspective on life could change in just a mere 10 month, but I’m glad it did. I still find it hard to explain to people who I am and the things I like because not many people are open-minded and they have harboured these thoughts that the things that make me happy are stupid and irrelevant, like love and K-Pop. They ask why I bother listening to music when I can’t understand what they’re saying. I tell them that you don’t need to understand the words to know the feeling of the music, the story the voices are telling you through their tone. I hope people can be more open-minded about, not just music, but life in general. A lot of things can happen in just a day- winning the lottery, or even adopting a puppy- so just imagine how your life can change in a year. You might even fall in

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